

Children's book - Camelea: Like a Seagull
Author: Suzanne Gohier
Number of pages: 48

Binding books: Paperback and Hardcover
e-books: Available on Apple Books (with Audio and Animation) and on Google Play Kobo Kindle

Values: Ability to adapt to change, discretion, imagination
Themes: Anniversary, agitation, calm, complicity, creativity, dance, goal to reach, birds, sleep, night

After a great birthday celebration for her brother, Camelea is too excited to sleep.
Replaying the events of the day in her head, she finds a way to calm down.
Camelea’s magical hairdo helps her fall asleep easily.

Luckily, when Camelea heard the first few notes of her favorite CD, she cheered up right away and she led the dancing.
She had no idea what a wonderful surprise was coming. Camelea’s magical hairdo would soon help her discover
her first feelings of love.

Using the power of her imagination, Camelea finds within herself the confidence to face her fears.
Her enthusiasm and resourcefulness are an inspiration to children as they learn to meet the challenges
of everyday life.

Immerse yourself in the fantasy world of Camelea. Discover the ways she has found to build her confidence and
feel good about herself.



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